Contact us

0131 554 6868

Our Resident and Relative Forum

 Here are some links to websites you may find useful.

Alzheimer’s Scotland
Age Scotland – Age UK
Advocacy Service for older people
VOCAL – Voices of Carers Across Lothian
Care Inspectorate

We hold quarterly meetings for relatives but if you wish to meet without management being present you are more than welcome. You may then wish to discuss any matters arising with management. If you are interested then please see the Manager to discuss further.

We also hold regular resident meetings to discuss home life. Sometimes the Manager is present and other times the meeting is facilitated by the activities organisers. Minutes of meetings are displayed on our information boards.

Our home life is a dynamic process and thus is ever changing depending on the needs of those living here at any given time, so from time to time we will ask you to complete a survey on the care provided to see how we can improve.

A suggestion box is located in the main reception area on the wall beside the door to the lounge for your use. Alternatively, the Manager is happy to see you to address any concerns or discuss your suggestions for improvement. If she is not available please leave a message with the nurse in charge who will make sure this is passed on promptly and a time will be made for you to meet or talk on the phone.
